Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Having had another brief crisis of identity, I am back on track and good to go. Unfortunatley, my blog and porn collection suffered greatly. As you can see, this is the only post that exists in the bloody, ravaged, body-strewn battlefield that is the reality of this blog. During said crisis, I went back and deleted any post that I considered 'immature' or 'childish', which just happened to be everything. At the time, well, I was trying to save myself from sending the wrong message. Months and months or loyally sitting at my computer and typing away ended in a tragic genocide of the written word. But alas, I am yet determined to continue posting updates of my life to my very small group of fans. Also, I got rid of all my bondage porn. : (

So hello, and welcome to this joyous pile of brain moop! I am your *hopefully* straight-acting and masculine host, Zac. You may also call me Bootsie... Or by my drag name, Shanequa DeLorenta Anaconda Jackson. Whatever pleases you the most. I'm currently going through a bit of insomnia, but what's new. There's a stack of Men's Health magazines to my right and a pile of bills and Invader Zim DVDs to my left. There's light in my heart and a smile on my face, mostly because I just had a flashback to a Will & Grace episode where Jack says the same thing while presenting his rather nice butt to Grace for a kiss. King Ferdinand the IV (a dead baby shark in a jar) stares at me with lifeless, deflated eyes, his mouth forever agape in a silent wail for freedom. My bathroom light is on, and my refrigerator is making weird noises, an all-too-common occurrence.

... But anyway, I lost my train of thought. But you can definitley expect more posts to come!!


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